
[MCQ] C++ Topic - Wise MCQ | Topic : Basics | IJNO


1. Which of the following is the correct syntax of including a user defined header files in C++?

A. #include <userdefined.h>

B. #include <userdefined>

C. #include “userdefined”

D. #include [userdefined]

Answer: c
C++ uses double quotes to include a user-defined header file. The correct syntax of including user-defined is #include “userdefinedname”.

2. A language which has the capability to generate new data types are called

A. Extensible

B. Overloaded

C. Encapsulated

D. Reprehensible

Answer: a
Languages that can produce/generate new data types are called extensible languages as they have the ability to handle new data types.

3. Which of the following is a correct identifier in C++?

A. 7var_name


C. VAR_1234

D. $var_name

Answer: c
The rules for writing an identifier is as follows:
i) may contain lowercase/uppercase letters, digits or underscore(_) only
ii) should start with a non-digit character
iii) should not contain any special characters like @, $, etc.

4. Which of the following is called extraction/get from operator?

A. <<

B. >>

C. >

D. <

Answer: b
>> operator is called extraction or get from operator i.e. extract/get things from console/files.

5. Which of the following is called address operator?

A. *

B. &

C. _

D. %

Answer: b
& operator is called address operator and is used to access the address of a variable.

6. Which of the following is called insertion/put to operator?

A. <<

B. >>

C. >

D. <

Answer: a
<< operator is called insertion or put to operator i.e. insert/put things to console/files.

7. Which of the following is used for comments in C++?

A. // comment

B. /* comment */

C. both // comment or /* comment */

D. // comment */

Answer: c
Both the ways are used for commenting in C++ programming. // is used for single line comments and /* … */ is used for multiple line comments.

8. Who created C++?

A. Bjarne Stroustrup

B. Dennis Ritchie

C. Ken Thompson

D. Brian Kernighan

Answer: a
Bjarne Stroustrup is the original creator of C++ during 1979 at AT&T Bell Labs.

9. What are the actual parameters in C++?

A. Parameters with which functions are called

B. Parameters which are used in the definition of a function

C. Variables other than passed parameters in a function

D. Variables that are never used in the function

Answer: a
Actual parameters are those using which a function call is made i.e. which are actually passed in a function when that function is called.

10. What are the escape sequences?

A. Set of characters that convey special meaning in a program

B. Set of characters that whose use are avoided in C++ programs

C. Set of characters that are used in the name of the main function of the program

D. Set of characters that are avoided in cout statements

Answer: a
Escape sequence is a set of characters that convey a special meaning to the program. They are used to convey a meaning which cannot be conveyed directly.

11. What are the formal parameters in C++?

A. Parameters with which functions are called

B. Parameters which are used in the definition of the function

C. Variables other than passed parameters in a function

D. Variables that are never used in the function

Answer: b
Formal parameters are those which are used in the definition of a function. They are the parameters that represent the actual parameters passed and they are the one which is used inside the function.

12. Which function is used to read a single character from the console in C++?

A. cin.get(ch)

B. getline(ch)

C. read(ch)

D. scanf(ch)

Answer: a
C++ provides cin.get() function to read a single character from console whereas others are used to read either a single or multiple characters.


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